Skylarks Pre-School
Our Pre-school is part of Cosby Primary School and has its own base adjacent to our Reception Class base. It is a well-equipped and bright setting with direct access to a purpose built outside space and the Reception Classroom facilities. Staffing ratios follow the recommended guideline of 1 adult to 8 children. From time to time the Pre-School Class children will use the wider school facilities. This may include the hall, library and computer suite.
Session Times and Costs
Under the government’s Nursery Education Scheme, children are entitled to 15 funded hours per week and some may be eligible for the extended offer of 30 funded hours per week. We offer a flexible pattern of bookings, with the option of additional paid sessions where required. Full day options are available, as well as access to our well-established Breakfast and After School Club. Children will require a packed lunch for full day sessions.
It is important that you try to make the most of the sessions you have booked by attending regularly. This will also help to prepare your child for daily attendance at school. However, if your child is ill, the best place for them is at home! Please phone the school office if your child is absent: 0116 2863103.
Ad hoc bookings are not accepted for additional paid sessions. These must be booked and paid for in advance. Since staffing is dictated by the number of children attending the provision, we operate a strict no refund policy for cancelled sessions or failure to attend.
The Pre-School Class at Work
To a young child play IS work and we believe that experiencing learning through play is vital. To an adult the word “play” may mean recreation, but to a child it is learning. They will be concentrating, making decisions, trying new experiences, forming friendships and becoming independent.
In the Pre-School Class, the children will have access to a number of areas which the children can access and select independently. These include: a role play area, construction, small world, sand, water, mark making, reading corner, music, games technology equipment. In addition we have an extensive outdoor area which the children will be able to use in all weathers. All of the resources in these areas have been carefully selected in order to offer the children well-planned activities to develop essential skills and giving freedom of choice and movement.
Daily Timetable
8:45a.m. |
Doors Open Parents help children to place items on their pegs and children put their water bottles in the tray. Parent may stay and play with their children at this time if they wish. |
12:15p.m. |
9:00a.m. |
Parents leave. Adult directed tasks: this may include a small group time on the carpet or at a play activity. The teaching is normally linked to a theme, and children can choose from related activities to further their learning. This may include activities as part of the “letters and sounds scheme”, music, quiet time or listening game. They are encouraged to stay at their first activity for 5 -10 minutes.
12:30p.m. |
9:30 – 11:15a.m. |
Child Initiated Play The outside doors are opened during the session for free flow between the base and the outside area weather permitting. |
1:00 – 2:45p.m. |
11:15– 11:30a.m. |
Whole Group Maths Activity which may include music, quiet time or listening game. Snack: during the session children are encouraged to have a piece of fruit and milk or water. |
2:45 – 3:00p.m. |
11:30 –11:45a.m. |
Story or Song time |
3:00 – 3:15p.m. |
11:45a.m. |
Home time |
3:15p.m. |
What to Wear
For most of their time in the Pre-School Class, your child will have access to “messy” activities! We do provide aprons and use washable paints, pens and glue; however we recommend that your child does not come in their “best” clothes as accidents can happen!
Clothes that your child can fasten/unfasten are essential. This is especially true for clothes that children need to undo when visiting the toilet! We do appreciate that accidents happen and we request that you provide spare clothes for your child every day as well as a pair of PE plimsolls.
We will try to use our outdoor area every day, whatever the weather, so it is important that your child has suitable footwear and outerwear to keep them warm and dry outside. Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
In warmer weather sunhats will be needed every day and we advise that you apply sun cream before you arrive at the Pre-School class.
Parents in Partnership
We place a great emphasis on parents being involved in school life and you will always be welcome.
We have a parents’ noticeboard in the classroom area as well as a Parents in Partnership noticeboard where you can share details of your child’s learning and development at home. Your child will also have a home-school book in which we will share information and may ask questions about your child’s likes and achievements at home.
At Cosby, we also embrace special events and days and will look to involve parents in these wherever possible.
We also invite parents and carers to “Stay and Play” for the first 15 minutes of each session.
Starting in the Pre-School Class
Children are admitted at the beginning of term and we work hard to really get to know each child and give them the individual support they may need while they settle in.
If your child is due to start in the Pre-School Class in September we offer a ‘Stay and Play’ session with parents before your child’s start date so that you can meet staff, introduce children to the setting and share any relevant information.
Some children will settle quickly, others will take a little longer, but we will do all we can to make this times as easy as possible for you and your child. To help avoid any distress, parents/carers are able to “Stay and Play” for the entire first session, leaving at the point you feel is most appropriate for your child. You are also welcome to stay and play and talk to pre-school staff for the first 15 minutes of each session throughout the year.
We hope this gradual approach will enable us to establish regular routines with each child so that they are confident in the environment and know what to expect.
Cosby School follows a healthy eating programme. The children will be given a carton of milk and a healthy fruit snack every day. The children are also able to bring a named water bottle each day so they can have access to drinking water throughout the session.
Links with School
Our pre-school class is the first class in our school and therefore we work closely with the rest of the school to help ease the transition from Pre-School to school. We will share songs, rhymes and story times with our Reception Class and at times work together as a Foundation Stage Unit.
Our Curriculum
The Pre-School and Reception Classes follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. Children are encouraged to learn through practical activities and experiences and to explore independently, as well as undertaking focused adult-led activities.
Special Needs
All children’s development is monitored closely from their entry to the Pre-School Class. There is close communication between staff and parents even before the child starts in the Pre-School Class. This provides opportunities to discuss the child’s progress and where appropriate, parents will be informed about any concerns we may have. Contact may be made with the child’s health visitor and other specialists as necessary. Parents will be kept informed at all stages and no action will be taken without your consent.
Children with Physical Disabilities
If your child has a physical disability, we will aim to provide the necessary resources needed to enable your child to make the best possible progress in school. We will work closely with you and any other specialists involved, to address these needs.
The More Able Pupil
As a child progresses it may become evident that he/she possesses specific talents and abilities. Provision is usually made within school to meet such needs thorough a differentiated curriculum and we will always strive to stretch and challenge your child. Emphasis is placed on broadening and deepening the child’s education rather than simply moving them on.
Safeguarding Policy
Our objective at Cosby Primary School is to help keep children and young people safe by contributing to:
Providing a safe environment for children and young people to learn
Identifying children and young people who are suffering, or likely to suffer significant harm and taking appropriate action with the aim of making sure they are kept safe both at home and school.
Achieving these aims requires systems designed to:
Prevent unsuitable people working with children and young people
Promote safe practice and challenge poor and unsafe practice
Identify instances in which there are grounds for concern about a child’s welfare and initiate/take appropriate action to keep them safe.
Contribute to effective partnership working between all those involved with providing services for children.
Pre-School Class Admission Arrangements
Children are admitted to our Pre-School class at the beginning of the term following their 3rd birthday. Admissions forms are available at any time from the Cosby Primary School website, or the school office. Please feel free to visit us before you decide to register your child for a place. Completed forms must be returned directly to the school office, with the child’s birth certificate. Decisions about admissions will be taken by the Headteacher each term. Parents will be informed of the outcome of their application in the term prior to being admitted.
It should be noted that admission to the school pre-school class does NOT constitute admission to the Reception Class, nor does attendance at the pre-school class give priority admission to the school. Parents will still need to apply for a place at Cosby Primary School in line with the admissions arrangements of Leicestershire County Council.
Oversubscription Criteria
Should the number of applications for places in the Pre-School Class exceed the number of places available, the following criteria will apply:
Children with Education, Health and Care Plans where the school is named.
Looked After Children and all previously Looked After Children.
Children who live in the catchment area of the school who will have a sibling attending Cosby Primary School at the time of the applicant’s proposed admission.
Children who live in the catchment area of Cosby Primary School
Children who live outside the catchment area, with a sibling attending Cosby Primary School at the time of the applicant’s proposed admission.
Children who live nearest to Cosby Primary School, calculated in a direct straight line from the child’s permanent place of residence to the school.
Name | |
Pre-School Information Sept. 23 - July 24.pdf | Download |