Cosby Primary School

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Portland Street, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE9 1TE

0116 286 3103

Cosby Primary School

"Working Together for Excellence"

  1. Parents
  2. School Uniform

School Uniform

Full details of our uniform can be found in the Cosby Uniform Policy above.


We like the school uniform to give a sense of 'belonging' and hope that our pupils feel proud to be seen wearing it.  We also believe that the school's outward image as well as its academic standard is important. The recommended sweatshirts and cardigans can be purchased from our supplier via the school website.

The agreed uniform for pupils in Reception to Year 6 is as follows:

Winter wear:    

                                Maroon as a sweatshirt or cardigan colour.

                                Children in Year 6 only may wear a black sweatshirt or cardigan.

                                Grey skirts or grey tailored trousers.

Summer wear:  

                            Blue and white gingham dresses.

                            Grey tailored shorts or grey trousers.

                            White shirts/blouses.


Trainers should not be worn throughout the day and children should only wear wrist watches (no smart-watches) and ear studs.  Other jewellery should not be worn to school (except religous artifacts). Nail polish should not be worn.



Children require a complete change of clothing for P.E.

Indoor:     Navy shorts, white tee-shirt and plimsolls.


Outdoor:  Track suit/jogging bottoms, tee-shirt, fleece/  

                  sweatshirt/tracksuit top and trainers.


Foundation Stage children would also benefit from having wellies and a waterproof in school so that outdoor learning can take place in all weathers.

All school clothing should be clearly named.


If you require support with second hand uniform please contact the School Office.